Outreach activities with Village Health Teams

In order to get a "feel" for the operations of local Village Health Teams (VHTs), I have been shadowing and assisting them on their weekly outreach activities. These outreach activities are funded by the Ugandan Health Department and consist mainly of HIV/AIDs testing/counseling and immunizations for children. Immunizations include: Measles, DPT, HEP B, HiG, TT, BCG-TBB and OPV-Polio.

The VHTs inform the communities a week in advance that they will be having an outreach program. They then inform them the day before the outreach. For the two outreach activities I have attended, it has not surprisingly consisted of us arriving to absolutely no one, waiting an hour, and eventually having people fill in. The VHTs have tested more than 50 people in each community and people are generally very open to testing and vaccinations, as well as quite receptive to health talks. I'll let the pictures do the talking!
Meetings points are always in the shade. Luckily we found a great spot under two mango trees. Unfortunately, it's not quite mango season.

Community health leader, Mr. Charles,  giving a talk addressing HIV/AIDs. The pail in the middle is for drinking water. Chickens have to be frequently chased off as they are interested in getting a cool drink of water.
This is me outside the Kigtum Mitidi Health Center, anxiously awaiting the VHTs to prepare materials.
Members of the VHT preparing test kits and immunizations.
Ana and St. Josephs Assistant Health Educator Charles Oyoo interview a woman while her child looks on.

Child pumps water from a borehole. Just another reminder to be happy for your piped water, or the fact that you have a child to do all your physically demanding water gathering needs.


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